are, ya know, all sorts of things that, ya know, drive me totally, ya
know, crazy. It seems like, ya know, every time I, ya know, listen
to sports figures or, ya know, just average people, ya know, talking
on TV, it seems like, ya know, they can’t make it, ya know, through
a single sentence without, ya know, sprinkling it with at least, ya
know, forty or fifty “ya know”s.
worse still, if it is possible for there to be a worse, is the
absolutely infuriating “ya know what I’m sayin’?” Yes,
you obnoxious cretin, I know what you’re saying. And nine times out
of ten, I don’t care.
there is that terrifies us about pauses in speech while we look for
the next word we want to say. So we seem driven to plug the gaps
with…something. Anything. The time-tested and ever-popular “…uh…”
and “…um…” seem to have fallen out of favor in recent times.
Perhaps the speaker, has some pathetic (and totally erroneous) hope
that by rattling off an endless stream of “ya know”s he—and for
some strange reason it is invariably a “he”—is creating some
sort of glue to hold the listener’s attention, and to implying a
(nonexistent) bond between speaker and listener. But “ya know what
I’m sayin’?”, in addition to being incredibly annoying, is also
insulting in its implication that the speaker is not sure that you
are bright enough to grasp the depth and subtlety of what he’s
attempting to convey.
fillers seem, like clothing fashions, to be trendy, and the only
thing they all have in common seems to be their “fingernails on the
blackboard” quality. They share this annoying tendency with their
close relatives, the ubiquitous “catch words of the moment.” In
the 40s and 50s, “sez” was quite popular (“So he sez, ‘I
don’t like it,’ and I sez, ‘too bad.’). “Like” is still
quite popular (“and I’m, like, ‘oh, no you’re not!’, and
he’s, like, ‘oh yes I am’”), but I am infinitely relieved
that “goes” (“And then he/she goes…and I go…and he/she
goes…”) seems to have been fading away. There are a number of
lesser fillers, one that seems oddly out of place is “…and that”
which some people use not as a gap filler but a sentence ender. (“So
I shot him between the eyeballs and waited until the police came…and
knows I have difficulty speaking in intelligible sentences. That,
again, is why I became a writer, so that I could take the time
necessary to put my thoughts into a coherent sentence. I don’t
always succeed, but I have always found expressing myself through
writing much more satisfactory and far less embarrassing than
speaking them.
of the worst things about gap fillers and catch words is that those
using them are often totally unaware that they are doing so, and to
point it out to them is rather awkward, like telling someone they
have bad breath.
really do try to avoid gap-fillers (even if I have serious problems
with linear thought and wander aimlessly from point to point within
the same sentence). Still, I’m sure even I may be guilty of, like,
an occasional gap filler or catch word. Ya know what I’m sayin’?
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You definitely hit a few pet peeves with this one. I'll be listening to the news station on the radio and, unfortunately, they'll interview some athlete during the sports section of the program and that person will continuously interjects his sentences with "You know what I'm saying?" Sir, you don't even know what you're saying, so how am I supposed to? This jackass makes millions of dollars a year and can't put a complete sentence together.
Of course, there's the end all be all of "It is what it is." Uh, no it's not. Someone made it that way and rather than call them on their BS, you've accepted it. Good for you.
So now that I'm properly annoyed, it's time for me to get on with my Monday. Please carry on.
Ozzies fill conversation gaps with yeah. Even old married couples -- I was listening to a couple on the tram the other day. Little comforting noises to each other.
I also overheard a convo between two teenage girls:
Giggles nervously. Continues:
It afforded me much innocent amusement.
Meh. My comment used a double < and > to indicate conversation and apparently the blogger system treated them as some kind of weird HTML instructions.
Life's a warm sandy place.
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