Monday, February 26, 2007

Pacing It

Well, I guess it was inevitable…I just have to face the fact that much as I want to put up a new blog entry every day, it just isn’t practical if I have any hope at all of keeping up with my other writing (like, books, for example).

So what I plan to do (got a pencil handy to jot it down?) is to post a new blog entry three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If I can establish and maintain that pattern, I hope you will stay with me. Now that I have you, I certainly don’t want to risk your wandering away.

Pacing things has always been something of a problem for me. My tendency has always been to burst out of the gate, run as fast as I can go until I’m out of wind, and then worry about what happens next.

One of the problems I have with reading other writers’ books is that once I start a book, I can’t pace myself. I want to just sit there and read until I reach the end, which would be all well and good if I wasn’t swept away with guilt for spending too much time enjoying myself.

I am currently working on two novels, but unlike some writers, not simultaneously. I’d find it very frustrating to go back and forth between them. So when I say I’m working on two novels now, what I mean is that I’ve put the one totally aside for the time being (it’s the second book in a new series, of which the first hasn’t yet found a home…so until the first one is sold there is little point in rushing to get the second done).

Anyway, forewarned, please come back on Wednesday for an all new, all talking, all dancing, and hopefully more coherent, entry. Between now and then, consider how lucky you are to be you, and don’t pass up an opportunity to let those you love know how you feel about them: they may have heard it before, but it can never be said too often.


Elizabeth Delisi said...

I know what you mean, Dorien. I get a burst of enthusiasm at the start of a project, and then lose interest before it's finished, so the push to the end is teeth-grinding. I think three times a week is plenty to blog...


Dorien Grey said...

Thanks, Liz...I'm sure you're right, and we'll see how it goes. (I like the idea of including a photo with the post. Thanks.)
